We are a digital magazine, community, and shop focused on exploring and questioning current events, fashion, art, and culture through the content we produce and curate. Based in Montréal, we take pride in showcasing the unconventional, emerging, and thought-provoking aspects of the creative field to our global audience.

Our platform has been developed by creative individuals to serve the purpose of building a network for like-minded people to connect, exchange insights and ideas, and push the limits of their creativity beyond what they believed was achievable.

As an extension of Please Don't Tell, PDTSTUDIO is a hybrid collaborative creative studio that specializes in both artistic and commercial projects. We work with a global network of multidisciplinary partners and talents from around the world to create culturally relevant content for the digital age.  From photo and video production to design, concept development and consulting, our unique structure facilitates a rapid turnaround for memorable and culturally relevant content for the digital age. Our unabashedly impactful style celebrates the perfectly imperfect, and brings out the extra in the ordinary. To learn more visit our website at pdt.studio.
Pablo Picasso quote: "Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth"